Pub Trastevere Bali TOP 10 Restaurant in Rome Trastevere BALI

Pub Trastevere Bali TOP 10 Restaurant in Rome Trastevere BALI

Articolo da ’The culture trip’

This is one of the very first Indonesian-themed restaurants established in Rome. Bali is the creation of a great traveler who fell in love with the small island on the Indonesian archipelago as well as with the taste of its traditional cuisine. Once back in Rome, he decided to fuse these exotic charms and set up a place where one could go to enjoy Indonesian, Vietnamese and Thai specialties, a great choice of cocktails made with fresh tropical fruits and a large selection of teas, including Ayurvedic herbal ones, to taste with a selection of different cakes.

Opening hours: 8 pm – 2 am

Address & telephone number: Bali Bar & Restaurant, 29 Via del Mattonato, Rome, Italy, +39 06 589 6089

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BALI Bar&Restaurant

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